Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05 (Melodrama #FairyTail #FairyTail100YearsQuest)

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05
フェアリーテイル 100年クエスト

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis:

Madmole revives after his defeat at the hands of Natsu. Erza defeats Kiria. Lucy, Gray, Happy, and Charle (Carla) arrive. However, Skullion ash-teleports them away, revealing that Diabolos has more members. Team Natsu head back to shore, where they find Ermina under attack by Mercphobia in his Water Dragon form.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

Karameel shows up and confesses all of this is her fault. She thought that if Mercphobia lost his water dragon god power, he’d be a normal human. So she consulted with the White Mages and one agreed to take Mercphobia’s god power. However, all she took was his control. As such, the White Mage can control Mercphobia from a great distance. All of this upsets Natsu, who doesn’t want to kill the dragon. However, he eventually decides to with the rest of the team. They don’t have much success.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

Back with the rest of Fairy Tail, Touka says she’s possessed by the White Mage. She came to Fairy Tail to meet Natsu. She also hoped that Wendy’s powers would be able to force the White Mage out of her. The White Mage takes over Touka, noting that her servant (Mercphobia) is close to Wendy. She then proceeds to easily defeat Fairy Tail, and then have a tea set meal for herself.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05


Well, there’s a lot of melodrama in Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05. And no doubt, that will remain a thing throughout this series.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

‘ Tis But a Scratch

Man, I’m getting a serious case of whiplash with Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05. So, prior to the episode, Team Natsu gets smoked without Diabolos breaking a sweat. Then there’s the rebound, where somehow, Natsu defeats Madmole, even though he could do nothing before. And in this episode, Erza finally defeats Kiria.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

Ah, but wait! Madmole isn’t defeated. He’s ready for round 2. Likewise Kiria, who had to be saved by Skullion. Only Skullion is going to retreat for now, with the promise of a round 2 with even MORE opponents. Yay! And no doubt when that happens, Team Natsu will again be defeated and will again have to pull something out to score a victory. Won’t that be lovely?

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

Well, I supposed there was a need to get back to Team Natsu vs. Mercphobia. But that fight only just started.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05


Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05 has quite a bit of melodrama. The main part of this comes over Natsu repeatedly whining about Mercphobia, “But he’s a good guy”. I get the purpose, but I kept thinking, “Get on with it.”

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

There’s also Karameel’s “Its all my fault” melodrama. Here too, I understand what’s going on here. Maybe I’m getting too old and cynical. But the melodrama stuff tends to bore me unless done exactly right. Here, it all comes off cliched.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Let me wrap up my review with some final thoughts since I’m way behind and need to mow my grass.

  • Well, after all the melodrama, Team Natsu starts to fight Mercphobia. I predict that in the next episode, the water dragon god will blow Team Natsu away, possibly forcing Diabolos to return and intervene. Either that, or something happens on the Fairy Tail side to turn the tables.
  • Speaking of Fairy Tail, we do get some more information on Touka. Naturally, the White Mage insta-defeats the members of Fairy Tail, including Jellal. I did get a chuckle out of the White Mage deciding to have tea, complete with various cakes.
  • I noticed there was a rather long recap at the start of the episode. I suppose there was a lot of time to fill.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

In the end, Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05 was typical shounen fare. We’ll see how the Touka/White Mage angle works.

Fairy Tail: 100 Years Quest 05

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